Get full unlimited access to all audio messages FREE when you subscribe to our on-demand audio service (ODAS).

ODAS is a subscription based unlimited and unrestricted download access to all sermons and teachings on our online store.


Get upto 80% discount and instant access to our entire MP3 on our online store + 2 new uploads every week, if you buy before the timer runs out... all for FREE!

How it works?

It’s so simple and easy, how ODAS works.
Just pick a subscription plan and make payment online. You will then get full unlimited and unrestricted  access to download all sermons and teachings on-demand for FREE!

This simply means that you will not pay a dime for all MP3 on the Stone Church Store till your subscription expires.

Ain’t That Cool?

This is how much you save when you subscribe...

See how much you will save if you choose the most popular (GOLD) subscription plan.

Every week, we upload a minimum of 8 new MP3 at a minimum of N100 each. But instead of paying N800 to download all, your one time subscription payment allows you download all of them FREE.

When You Subscribe, You Save Up To 80%

Frequently Asked Questions

When your subscription expires, you will still have access to all the downloads under your account. but you will not ave FREE/discounted access to new contents anymore until you renew your subscription.

When your subscription is about to expire, we will notify you via email, telling you to renew in order to avoid disruption.

Our payment policy is very flexible and friendly. We accept payments via debit cards, USSD (for supported banks), and online transfer.

Wowoooo! This is the juicy part. After your payment is successful, feel free to browse through our MP3 collection to select your favourites titles, add them to cart and checkout. Then navigate to your account in order to download.

We love to reward loyalty. If you desire the most popular plan (GOLD), let nothing stop you from choosing it. That’s where you have the VIP access.

Subscription Plans


1 Month Subscription
N 500 Monthly
  • Unlimited and unrestricted download access to all sermons and teachings.
  • Minimum of 8 new sermons/teachings uploaded every month priced at a minimum of N100 each
  • Prompt email alerts when new contents are uploaded


1 Year Subscription
N 2000 Annualy
  • All silver plan features
  • 20% OFF of all ebooks
  • FREE download access to all MP3 under SPECIAL category


3 Months Subscription
N 1000 Qaurterly
  • All bronze plan features
  • 10% OFF of all ebooks

This offer is for a limited time. Grab it now before the countdown timer expires.

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