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The Purpose Of Perseverance


Perseverance is the power to stay until God’s help comes through for you. God wants to bless you but He also wants you to mature along the process. This is why He delays and keeps some blessings for you. When you go through an experience, grace is deposited in you.

People are always quick to work on the size of their faith so as to get results, but what is important is that you work on the perseverance of your faith. An enduring faith works in such a way that it produces miracles and character. Our God always work slowly, surely and suddenly.

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Perseverance is the power to stay until God’s help comes through for you. God wants to bless you but He also wants you to mature along the process. This is why He delays and keeps some blessings for you. When you go through an experience, grace is deposited in you.

People are always quick to work on the size of their faith so as to get results, but what is important is that you work on the perseverance of your faith. An enduring faith works in such a way that it produces miracles and character. Our God always work slowly, surely and suddenly.

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