2 Great Books That Will Transform Your Life For Good... For Ever!


Is God's goodness His nature or just an adventure?

If you don’t know the God of the Scriptures, then it is impossible to know God. The Bible is a book of revelations and insights that are based on your knowledge of the One that gave us the Bible. If you do not know the Scriptures, you cannot know His ways.

If possible, many Christians want to avoid the subject of demons because they are

You cannot afford to be passive about the operation of demons because there are various aspects of your life that will come under attack and if you are devoid of understanding, you give the demons a free reign in these areas.

Man is principally a spirit being and even though a problem might appear to be physical, many more times it is rooted in the spiritual.

Demons are effective in their operations because God’s people don’t know. The people of God are destroyed for lack of knowledge. The devil draws his strength from your ignorance because you do not know his modus operandi, so he has a field day operation unchallenged.

The gospel that Jesus preached was the gospel that addressed a spiritual component of man because every problem is spiritually rooted with a demon behind it and Jesus Christ has delegate His authority to us to cast out demons.

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