Praying for revival by Rev. Paul Jinadu
Praying for revival by Rev. Paul Jinadu

Praying For Revival (Audio Message)

Revival does not come because you prayed; revival comes because you are burnt.

"What is Revival?"

Christian revivalism is increased spiritual interest or renewal in the life of a church congregation or society, with a local, national or global effect.

Today, people pray for revival but they do not put their lives on the altar. You cannot get others to burn when you are not burnt.

Reverend Paul Jinadu, The General Overseer of New Covenant Church, with his experience and walk with God that has lasted for more than 60 years, shares on the subject.

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Praying for revival by Rev. Paul Jinadu

Rev. Paul Jinadu

About The Speaker

Revd. Jinadu was born a Muslim in Lagos, Nigeria. He became a Christian after Jesus appeared to him and abandoned his pursuit of a medical education in the United Kingdom.

In 1961, 19-year-old Mohammed Ali Monsuru Jinadu was invited to see a film titled ‘Miracles in the Jungle’ in Chelmsford, Essex, UK. Although this film was sponsored by Christians, he decided to attend. His friends at college always called him ‘Jungle Jimi’ yet he had no clear idea what a jungle was.

He went to The Bible College of Wales, Swansea, in 1962, and later also studied theology at The London Bible College, where he graduated in 1972.

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